3D Content Database

3D Content Database
Finally, an easy-to-use database program designed specifically for DAZaholics! Use it to organize your entire 3D collection, whether products are installed, archived on your computer, or stored on disks. Don’t let valuable products go unused simply because you don’t remember you have them. Never buy duplicate items again. Easily track and retrieve bundle contents. Access detailed information about your collection even when products disappear from vendor websites. Store serial numbers, clickable links, tutorials, and favorite renders where you’ll never lose them.

Put powerful searches and sorts at your fingertips! Browse pictures of outfits, hairstyles, and props. Make a web catalog of all the products you own from a specific vendor or brokered artist. Sort items any way you want, including by title, price, product code, or character.

Answer important questions about your collection that go beyond just finding out if you have a particular item. How much does the platinum club really save you? What is your collection worth, including the value of all those weekly DAZ freebies? Which items are standalone and which require additional products? 3D Content Database can help you quickly answer these questions and many others.

A starter database, purchase history import, and cut/paste functions will put this program to work for you right away. It?s never been easier to get organized. Remember, every minute you spend looking through order histories, drives, and disks trying to find stuff is time you don’t get to spend creating and rendering.

This product is for Windows only.



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