Renowned for his benevolent disposition and boundless compassion, this endearing, corpulent elephant possesses a heart that rivals the vastness of his appetite. His skin, a tapestry of delicate wrinkles, hugs his substantial frame, while his expansive, pendulous ears flutter like banners with each graceful stride. His eyes, twinkling with mirth and unquenchable curiosity, are ever eager to embark on new escapades.
Though he may appear as a gentle behemoth, when his companions face adversity, he exhibits a valor that belies his jovial demeanor. Drawing upon his keen intellect and the innate strength bestowed by his imposing size, he stands as an unwavering champion of justice, earning him the adoration and respect of his diverse jungle comrades.
3D Universe Toon Elephant with dForce: (.DUF)
3DU Toon Elephant Hair
Toon Elephant:
Trunk Smaller
Ears Size
Eye Iris Smaller
Head Size
Tusk Broken (Left/Right)
Tusk Size (Left/Right)
Young Proportions
Pose Controls:
Adjust Body Weight Left-Right
Adjust Body Weight Side-Side
Adjust Body Weight Twist
Adjust Body Weight Up-Down
Ears Droop
Ears Raise
Expression Holding Breath
Expression Shocked
Secession Smiling
Expression Surprised
Expression Unimpressed
Expression Worried
Eyebrow Angry (Left/Right)
Eyebrow Up-Down (Left/Right)
Eyebrow Worried (Left/Right)
Eye Blink (Left/Right)
Eye Closed (Left/Right)
Eye Sleepy (Left/Right)
Eye Wide (Left/Right)
Eye Wince (Left/Right)
Cheeks Balloon
Lip Bottom Down
Mouth Frown
Mouth Grin
Mouth OO
Mouth Open
Mouth Open Smile
Mouth Shocked
Mouth Smile
Mouth Tongue Out
Trunk Corkscrew
Trunk Default (enabled by default)
Trunk Left-Right
Trunk Roll-up
Trunk Side-Side
Trunk Side-Side S
Trunk Twist
Trunk Up-Down S
Material Options:
3DU Toon Elephant Materials
Textures Include:
03 Texture, Normal, Bump, and Transparency Maps (4096 x 4096)
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)
3DU Toon Elephant Hair
Toon Elephant:
Trunk Smaller
Ears Size
Eye Iris Smaller
Head Size
Tusk Broken (Left/Right)
Tusk Size (Left/Right)
Young Proportions
Pose Controls:
Adjust Body Weight Left-Right
Adjust Body Weight Side-Side
Adjust Body Weight Twist
Adjust Body Weight Up-Down
Ears Droop
Ears Raise
Expression Holding Breath
Expression Shocked
Secession Smiling
Expression Surprised
Expression Unimpressed
Expression Worried
Eyebrow Angry (Left/Right)
Eyebrow Up-Down (Left/Right)
Eyebrow Worried (Left/Right)
Eye Blink (Left/Right)
Eye Closed (Left/Right)
Eye Sleepy (Left/Right)
Eye Wide (Left/Right)
Eye Wince (Left/Right)
Cheeks Balloon
Lip Bottom Down
Mouth Frown
Mouth Grin
Mouth OO
Mouth Open
Mouth Open Smile
Mouth Shocked
Mouth Smile
Mouth Tongue Out
Trunk Corkscrew
Trunk Default (enabled by default)
Trunk Left-Right
Trunk Roll-up
Trunk Side-Side
Trunk Side-Side S
Trunk Twist
Trunk Up-Down S
Material Options:
3DU Toon Elephant Materials
Textures Include:
03 Texture, Normal, Bump, and Transparency Maps (4096 x 4096)
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)