Adobe Haciend

Adobe Haciend
# Adobe hacienda obj and figure
# 2 texture sets with 24 MAT poses for mix and match looks
# 10 Hide/Show Poses

Installation directories are as follows:
Textures – Runtime:textures:TransPond:Adobe
Figures – Runtime:libraries:character:TransPond Adobe
MAT and Hide/Show Poses – Runtime:libraries:character:TransPond Adobe
Geometries – Runtime:Geometries:TransPond:Adobe

To Use:

To use the hacienda, simply select either from the TransPond Adobe folder in your figure menu.

Hide/show poses can be found in the TransPond Adobe folder in your Pose memu, along with additional texture MAT pose files. We’ve included a more weathered version to add to the versatility and authenticity of this package and also options for painted wood as would be found in a typical Southwestern adobe style mission. Hide/show poses make it easier to zoom in on your scene by hiding different elements of the building, including all walls and the entire roof.



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