AKVIS Photo Processing Bundle (Standalone and Plugin 2017)

AKVIS Photo Processing Bundle (Standalone and Plugin 2017)
(Standalone and Plugin 2017)

AKVIS offers a collection of creative tools for creative people. These graphics programs help you make your ideas come true. All software products are available as standalone applications and Photoshop plugins for Windows and Mac.
This bundle contains only windows version for a 64-bit system. It includes 24 photo processing apps.

AKVIS AirBrush 4.0.426
AKVIS ArtSuite v11
AKVIS ArtWork 9.0.1832
AKVIS Chameleon 9.0.1884
AKVIS Charcoal 2.0.335
Akvis Coloriage 10.5.1194
AKVIS Decorator 4.0
AKVIS Draw 4.0
Akvis Enhancer 15.5.2239 WIN 64
Akvis HDRFactory 5.5.812 WIN 64
AKVIS Magnifier 9.0
AKVIS MakeUp 4.0
AKVIS MultiBrush 9.0
AKVIS NatureArt 8.0
Akvis Neon 2.5.370
Akvis Noise Buster 10.1.2954 WIN 64
AKVIS OilPaint 5.0
Akvis Pastel 3.0.431 64 bit
Akvis Points 3.0.258
Akvis Refocus 7.0.671 Win 64
Akvis Retoucher 8.1.1156
Akvis Sketch 19.0.3143 64 bit
Akvis Smartmask 9.0.2229
AKVIS Watercolor 1.0.173



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