
Antonia Polygon Weight Mapped

She was designed to showcase new and exciting features offered in this latest version of our favourite program. Antonia-WM bends, if anything, even better than Antonia Polygon ? Standard as she makes full use of the new Poser version’s weight-mapping technology, eliminating the need for ?old-technology? joint-control-morphs ? the net effect is that clothing fits infinitely better once weight-map-converted. The steps to do this are all included in the comprehensive manual included with Antonia-WM and are surprisingly quick and easy to do. The new shader nodes in the newest version of Poser are also showcased in a shader set that re-defines how skin can look rendered in Poser 9 / Poser Pro 2012.

  1. Add-ons for this product:: Poppy for Antonia ⋆ 3d-stuff Community

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