This enchanting magic tree possesses a remarkable ability to morph its countenance, conjuring a myriad of universal expressions, from beaming smiles to profound sadness and astonishment.
Ideally suited to complement all your fantastical imagery or animations, this extraordinary tree boasts two distinct sets of dForce leaves, each offering exceptional versatility. One file harbors a delicate veil of 20% leaves, while the other showcases a denser canopy with a coverage of 10%.
Behind the tree, the expansive terrain features an array of colossal rocks, while the immediate surroundings are adorned with a meandering path, a rich tapestry of diverse plants, and a scattering of picturesque rocks.
Although the captivating backdrop and caricature are not included in this package, a captivating sitting figure pose for Genesis 8 Mail is thoughtfully provided for your creative pleasure.
Celtic Spirit of the Forest: (.DUF)
CSF !! Load All
Tree base with a face:
Adj Nose Up/Down
Adj Nose Side/Side
Adj Mouth Right
Adj Mouth Left
Adj Jaw
Adj Face
Adj Face Definition
Adj Eyebrow Right
Adj Eyebrow Left
Ground Plants
Ground Plane Base
Back Rocks
Leaf Sim 2
Leaf Sim
Back Rocks
Ground Plants
Ground Plane Base
Leaf Sim
Textures Include:
45 Textures, Normal, Metallic, Base Color, Roughness and Transparency Maps (512 x 512 to 4096 X 4096)
DAZ Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF).
CSF !! Load All
Tree base with a face:
Adj Nose Up/Down
Adj Nose Side/Side
Adj Mouth Right
Adj Mouth Left
Adj Jaw
Adj Face
Adj Face Definition
Adj Eyebrow Right
Adj Eyebrow Left
Ground Plants
Ground Plane Base
Back Rocks
Leaf Sim 2
Leaf Sim
Back Rocks
Ground Plants
Ground Plane Base
Leaf Sim
Textures Include:
45 Textures, Normal, Metallic, Base Color, Roughness and Transparency Maps (512 x 512 to 4096 X 4096)
DAZ Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF).