Collective3d Dracula’s Estate represents the grand entry hall to the home of the famous vampire lord.
Measuring 36′ x 45′ and enclosed on three sides, Dracula’s Estate features a grand staircase with a stained glass rose window, an open balcony, a highly detailed coffered ceiling, and three exclusive Create a Room assets: a hanging lamp with chain, and a Victorian-Gothic pew with both new and worn textures.
The preload includes the lighting used in the promotional renders, consisting of omni lights located in each hanging lamp, and a powerful, narrow spotlight shining in through the rose window. Add your own favorite sky dome to brighten things up a bit!
The included exclusive Create a Room assets install directly into your Create a Room folder for ease of access, and the individual walls, floors, and ceilings of the estate are perfect for kitbashing with the existing Create a Room sets.