DA Saurian Skins for Reptilian 6 HD

DA Saurian Skins for Reptilian 6 HD
Design Anvil presents 3 Ssslippery Ssserpenty Sssaurian Ssskins for Reptilian 6 HD, plus 5 Material eye presetsssss and a sssmall sssselection of glowing eye presetsss (From DA Glowing Eyes set).

Included in each skin preset are Specular, Bump, Diffuse and Displacement maps in 4096×4096 to give a high level of detail.

Name of required product Link to post in the Catalog
Reptilian 6 HD for Genesis 2 Male(s) https://3d-stuff.community/reptilian-6-hd-genesis-2-males/

Demonicum Supremis


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