Behold this EthnoMod ensemble, an exquisite symphony of ethnic and modern aesthetics, meticulously orchestrated to create a distinctive tapestry of traditional and contemporary influences. This masterpiece transcends mere clothing; it is wearable art, imbued with profound meaning and avant-garde appeal.
The skirt, adorned with handles that facilitate effortless posing, seamlessly transforms into a conforming item, its draping morphs finding their ideal expression in graceful standing postures.
Moreover, the garment’s inherent versatility allows for dynamic simulations, enabling it to drape fluidly even in the most extreme poses, accentuating the wearer’s every movement with a touch of ethereal elegance.
To preserve the bow’s pristine form, it is anchored to a rigid follow node, ensuring that its delicate symmetry remains unmarred by distortions, enhancing the overall visual harmony of this remarkable creation.
EthnoMod !Load All
EthnoMod Beads
EthnoMod Leotard
EthnoMod Necklace
EthnoMod Sandals
EthnoMod Skirt
EthnoMod Crimson Feather
EthnoMod Crimson Feather Beads
EthnoMod Crimson Feather Bow
EthnoMod Crimson Feather Leotard
EthnoMod Crimson Feather Necklace
EthnoMod Crimson Feather Sandals
EthnoMod Crimson Feather Skirt
EthnoMod !!!Dynamic Weightmaps.pdf
EthnoMod !!Product Sheet.pdf
Supported Shapes:
Ally 9
Amelia 9
Angela 9
Base Feminine
Base Masculine
Body Emaciated
Body FitnessDetails
Body FitnessMass
Body Heavy
Body Lithe
Body MuscularDetails
Body MuscularMass
Body Older
Body PearFigure
Body Portly
Body Stocky
Body Thin
Body Voluptuous
Breasts Cleavage
Breasts FullnessLower
Breasts Gone
Breasts Large
Breasts LargeHigh
Breasts Natural
Breasts Shape 01 to 06
Breasts Small
Pectorals Cleavage
Proportion Smaller
Proportion SmallerBO
Cheyenne 9
Freja 9
Genghis Kahn 9
Ivar 9
Jennie 9
Josie 9
Julius 9
Kala 9
Kara 9
Kiri 9
Michael 9
Minerva 9
Mira 9
Nathan 9
Nikolai 9
Olympia 9
Pixie 9
Tara 9
Thimor 9
Victoria 9
Xiu Lin 9
Zack 9
Textures Include:
25 Textures for Base Color, Bump, Roughness, and Transparency Maps (2048 x 2048 to 4096 x 4096)
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)