dForce Sleeveless Pullover for Genesis 8 Female(s)

dForce Sleeveless Pullover for Genesis 8 Female(s)

Include in this pack:

1 dForce Clothing Figure for G8F with Morphs (Sleeveless Pullover.duf)
136 Morphs Files (.dsf, 136 MCMs, MCMs Hidden)
1 Geometry Files (.dsf, Sleeveless Pullover_23460.dsf)
19 Material Presets (.duf, 18 Fabrics Materials, 1 Simulation Material, Only Iray material is included)
31 Textures (High Resolution High Quality textures, 4096*4096)

Note: this product is a dForce product, which can only be used correctly in the dForce simulation environment, and use the“Animated (Use Timeline Play Range)”for simulation can get the best simulation effect.



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