Dial Fusion for Genesis 2 to 8.1

Originally posted on May 1, 2021 @ 06:00

Dial Fusion for Genesis 2 to 8.1

Update 2024-07-02
Dial Fusion updated to V1.4 (compiled in DS]
In Daz Studio 4.22 and later: (1) the ‘Zero Figure Shape’ dialog no longer appears when generating dials, and (2) when the ‘Character Dial, Head Dial, Body Dial’ option is selected, the saved character dial now works properly when new figures are loaded.

Update 2024-06-27
Dial Fusion Genesis 9 Edition updated to 1.1 (compiled in DS
In Daz Studio 4.22 and later: (1) the ‘Zero Figure Shape’ dialog no longer appears when generating dials, and (2) when the Character Dial, Head Dial, Body Dial’ option is selected, the saved character dial now works properly when new figures are loaded

Update 2022-03-09
Improved some MacOS GUI issues, and fixed issue where script would not be added to Scripts menu in rare cases.

Update 2021-10-27
Fixed bug where some expression content sets would cause duplicate formula error after expression assets were saved due to some content sets having Aliases saved on body instead of head.

Dial Fusion for Genesis 2 to 8.1 is a powerful script that enables you to create your own character dials with ease. You can even create expression dials too.

Benefits of Dials:
A character shape preset is a once-off result, the same as a character scene subset. Dial Fusion will easily turn those into Dials. Instead of loading in different shape presets to swap out characters in your scene, you can create a library of dials. You can also blend them together. Dial Fusion also remembers the figure’s scale, which a shape preset doesn’t.
The other issue with shape presets is that it only captures what was used on your figure at the current time of creation, meaning it will not register any new morphs loaded in after. This means if you use a shape preset, you have to reset the figure shape beforehand if any new content was used on the figure or the results will overlap.

Features and Benefits Summary:

Dial Fusion scans all used morphs and auto groups them. For example, all used morphs under the head group will be assigned to the head dial, and all other morphs will be assigned to the body dial.
No need to have your figure in default pose or position. Dial Fusion will bypass and ignore all that when making your dials.
No need to manually adjust your used morphs to set your character strength. Your new character dial will do that for you.
You can also create multiple character dials in the same scene. Simply dial down the one you created and make a new one.
Blend in two or more different character dials you created. You can also create a new dial that will control the other ones that were made.
Create a dial that contains specific character details that can be blended into any character.
Create your own expressions from existing dials, presets, or any morph combination. Instead of a one-click preset, you can now dial in that expression to any strength. It also automatically creates Alias morphs for expressions meaning they are visible when clicking on the figurehead.
Create a unique prefix when making dials so any new dials created do not overwrite any of your existing content and can be easily removed without any issues.
Creates dials in the correct location and structure on the figure that follows Daz 3D Specifications.
Ability to transfer your character dials from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 via tools such as X-Transfer.

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