Full Metal Bodysuit for M4

Full Metal Bodysuit for M4
Are you a Poser user? Are you longing for that banded metal look? Don?t want to draw each of those lines in post work? Don?t want to try to match all those seams up while making a texture for M4? Then this suit will meet your needs. This close fitting bodysuit for M4 is snug enough to create the illusion that it has replaced Michael?s actual body. Hide poses allow you to then get rid of his actual body.

Like my banded cyber arm, the ribs of this suit are all part of the geometry. The included mat presets allow you to then add detail to the suit in the form of gouges, scratches, and rust. As an added bonus, these same materials are also included in a folder in the material room, where they can then be applied to Michael?s face, toes, or anything else you want to apply them to.
