Futuristic Science Laboratory

The Futuristic Science Laboratory is perfect for giving your high school or university classroom a futuristic edge. With high-tech equipment and a modern design, students will have a blast trying out all the latest science experiments. Not to mention, the futuristic science laboratory makes learning fun and exciting.
Product Name: Futuristic Science Laboratory (.DUF)
FSL Box Big
FSL Box Small
FSL Cabinet
FSL Ceiling
FSL Chair
FSL Door Main
FSL Door
FSL Floor
FSL Human Body
FSL Human Capsule
FSL Laboratory Kit
FSL Microscope
FSL Robotic Table
FSL Stool Chair
FSL Table Stainless
FSL Table
FSL Test Tube
FSL Wall 01 South
FSL Wall 02 West
FSL Wall 03 North
FSL Wall 04 East
Textures Include
125 Texture, Normal, Roughness, Metallic, Reflection and Roughness Maps (512 x 512 to 4096 x 4096)



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