G5 Cloth Circus Clowns

G5 Cloth Circus Clowns
Pack Description

This pack includes 2 G5 Native Multi-Layer Cloths specially designed by Bigboss for Circus Clown type Characters plus 5 Clown Avatars, fully textured to the finest details by Shygirl!

Both Clown Cloths include 4 layer Uppers (Skin, Jacket, Shirt & Real Suspenders) plus double layer Lowers (Skin & Pants). Hats, Clown Shows, Gloves and Accessories Included.

The Clown Cloths are true native G5 Cloths made by Bigboss which are fully compatible with Reallusion’s G5 Standard Characters., i.e. you can use all other standard G5 accessories, shoes, hands and heads on the characters as they will rescale automatically to fit the Clown character Body proportions.

These Cloths were skinned to the highest standard by Bigboss and the characters were carefully textured by Shygirl.


– This pack requires iClone 5.2 and up.
– These characters shine by their quality and craftsmanship.

This Pack fully complements all other G5 Cloth Packs by Bigboss.

Have fun!

Name of required product Link to post in the Catalog
iClone Pro v6.51.3127.1 + Resource Pack https://3d-stuff.community/updated-iclone-pro-v6-51-3127-1-resource-pack/



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