This package includes dress and shoes made for the Genesis 8 Female shapes and Aiko8, Alexandra8, Charlotte8, Gia 8, Girl 8, Monique8, Olympia8, Sakura8, Stephanie8, TeenJosie8, Victoria8 and Zelara8
Please note that the dress requires dForce to work correctly. The shoe ribbons are dForce ready but ties also have bone for adjustments. All morphs can be achieved by adding at the pose frame in the timeline and will be morphed in during simulation.
Included figures:
– Guapa Dress (duf)
– Guapa Shoes (duf)
Material Presets Iray:
– 46 color partials organized in 4 complementary palettes (bright, neutral, subtle and summer fashion color palettes)
– 10 patterns for the dress and shoes
– 3 Lace hem options
– 46 Lace hem colors organized in the same 4 complementary palettes
– 2 Opacity options
– 4 Metallic flakes options and 46 metallic colors organized in the same 4 complementary palettes
– 3 Fabric options for the shoes and dress
– 8 premade textures
– 3 Gloss options
Hide/Show Shoulder Straps
Hide/Show Neck Strap
Hide/Show Skirt2
Hide/Show Skirts
Hide/Show Ribbon Ties