HeroFX Alchemy and MagicFX

HeroFX Alchemy and MagicFX

You have created a realm of magic and mystique, but what should come of it? A world of magic would be nothing without the ability to show the magic. With HeroFX Alchemy and MagicFX, you can cast your barriers and send off your summoned beast from beyond.

Alchemy and Magic go hand in hand. Alchemy circles are commonly seen in today’s Japanese animation, whether to create a platform to fly upon, cast spells, or even create shields. Don’t let your characters go out unprepared into the realm of fantasy without Alchemy and Magic!

In addition to getting 41 different designs you also will receive an updated CR2 file with two additional morphs. Thanks to Netherworks Studio for granting permission for the use of HeroFX to create the new Hero FX Alchemy and MagicFX.



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