Hippogryph Add-on for the HiveWire Horse

Hippogryph Add-on for the HiveWire Horse

The Hippogryph is a mystical beast, featuring elements of horse and bird of prey. (Wings not included).
Attention: File from old Hivewire store and only DS file are included.

Transform your HiveWire Horse into a fantasy creature, and add this mythical beast to your menagerie. With this set, you can create that most elusive of equines, the Hippogryph. … Or if you wish, a feathered Pegasus. Vary the looks of your equine from sleek to very fluffy and anything in between. Through the use of geoshells for the feather layer, you can use any horse coat to go with the Hippogryph textures.

The set contains a geografted head, feet, a tail, textures for a geoshell as undercoat for the bird, a coat of feathers and a set of individual feathers. In addition, there are three sets of strand-based hair to add fluff to the ears, the transition of head to feather coat, and the base of the tail.

Two preloads are included for the horse and foal figures each, and one for a pegasus.

Note that there are no wings included in this pack. I recommend Feathered Wings for All from 3D Universe (use the one in the Props folder) as they worked best for posing for me. Poses and hierarchical textures will work without those wings, but you will then need to adjust your own set of wings to the poses and textures provided, or texture them yourself. There are no specific textures for the Feathered Wings. All effects were achieved by using the diffuse channels to change the provided textures. Included are two different texture sets. Hierarchical materials make it easy to change all materials at one click, including the wings (provided you use the Feathered Wings from 3D Universe). All materials are Iray only.

The set includes pose sets for the feathered wings, including keyframes for wing animations, eight hierarchical poses to pose the subsets with one click, and reset poses for the feet of the foal and horse.

Name of required product Link to post in the Catalog
HiveWire 3D Horse https://3d-stuff.community/hivewire-3d-horse/
Feathered Wings for All https://3d-stuff.community/feathered-wings-for-all/
HiveWire Foal https://3d-stuff.community/hivewire-foal/



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