Prepare to be spellbound by the haunting saga of Little Red Hood and the Werwulf as they embark upon a macabre odyssey through the unsuspecting village, their presence casting an ominous pall over the unsuspecting inhabitants. With poses that exude malevolence, cunning, and raw, untamed power, you will be immersed in a world where darkness holds unchallenged dominion, and fear insidiously grips every heart.
Whether you seek to create spine-tingling illustrations that evoke a sense of primal terror, haunting animations that send shivers down the spine, or atmospheric renders that capture the very essence of dread, these poses provide the perfect foundation for bringing your darkest, most malevolent fantasies to life.
Enter a realm where innocence is ruthlessly corrupted and nightmares manifest as tangible realities with our Twisted Werwulf Pose Pack for Daz Studio. But be warned, for once you venture into their shadowy domain, there may be no escape, no redemption, and no turning back from the abyss that awaits.
20 Full Body Poses:
03 Crouching
03 Standing
03 Attacking
03 Howling
03 Running
02 Jumping
01 Feeding
01 Stalking
01 Seated