Iray Lighting Solutions Tutorial Set

Lighting your indoor or outdoor set in Daz Studio can be one of the most time consuming activities when setting up a scene for render. Most artists will have lighting as a pain point during their workflow and it is not always easy to get to the root cause of why lighting may not work on a set.

In this tutorial set, Drew Spence shows you how to set up lights from scratch for both indoor and outdoor environments. He also picks his top ten recommended resources from the Daz store and demonstrates how these work, saving you time in your workflow.

Drew has designed lighting for hundreds of sets for the production of his Force Six, The Annihilators and comic series and he is pleased to share his lighting experience and adventures in creativity.

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About the Presenter Drew Spence

Drew Spence is a graphic comic writer and illustrator from the United States. He creates under the title of The Dynamic Universe . He has combined his music and video into several works- including Mark of the Griffin , which is both a graphic novel and web series. He is part of the instrumental group Fallout Shelter which provides the soundtrack. The other band members are Domino Grey , Dynamics Plus and Xodus Phoenix.

Part 1 : Indoor Lighting for Iray
Total running time : 35 minutes (introduction) + 1 hour and 16 minutes (main session)

Section 1 : Creating lights from scratch
Case study used : Medieval chamber set with fireplace and candle lights; designing lighting for a fantasy set
Why monitor calibration can be essential for your art
Composition focus : ensuring the main subject(s) are well lit and highlighted
Point lights
How point lights work
Types of paint light
The advantage of linear point lights
Point light geometry
Recommended Luminous Flux Settings
Lighting a specific area
Beam length
Applying to the main subject
Using a spot light to creating leading lines
Emissive Lighting
Adding an emissive.
Flame props
Section 2 : Product Recommendations
Case study used : Dramatic medieval keep set with three characters
Consistency in lighting for sequential art
How to use IRay light probes
Selecting colours and intensities
Keeping light levels low for light probes
Demonstration of flaming torch products
How to use a Ghost Light Kit
Selecting light colours
Placing ghost lights underneath characters.
Test of an Iray ghost light kit 3 (God Rays) through a window
Epic props : Godrays and volumetric light for Iray
Particle spread in god rays
Volumetric light through a window, great for dramatic atmospheres.
Recommended Learning Task Included

Part 2 : Outdoor Lighting for Iray
Total running time :30 minutes (introduction) + 1 hour and& 20 minutes (main session)
Section 1 : Using DAZ Studio’s Built in Lighting
Case study used : Using an island beach set with a single character
Picking the render frame size
The Sun
Default HDRI background : The default lighting conditions for a set.
Sky dome mode options
Dome rotation
Using Iray Sky 36
The headlamp off
Iray settings : About tone Mapping
Iray settings : Camera properties
Checking the sun in an environment
Duplicating the sun and using this as an additional lighting source
Blend renders in postwork (same scene lit differently) for final lighting options.
Using instances of DAZ Studio in your workflow for rendering
Case study used : Medieval Melee action fight scene
Solving blown out lighting problems
Tone mapping
Fix lighting in the scene rather than in postwork
Environment mode, lighting resolution,
Turning off the HDRI default dome: lighting from scratch
Environment Sun node (special effect)
Latitude and longitude
Environment sun settings
Altering the sky backgrounds
Rendering night scenes

Section 2 : Recommended Resources Demonstrated
Longitude and Latitude Lighting and Render presetsfor DS Iray
Dreamlight : Quick Iray Outdoor presets

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