JASA Warm Detail Lights

JASA Warm Detail Lights

JASA Warm Detail Lights
Jadyn and Sabby are proud to present our JASA Warm Detail Lights set, a set of 12 lights made from custom HDRI images that we will be using in our own product promos.

These were painstakingly tested and tweaked until we got a solid and varied set that can give characters lively and warm skin tones with a wide variety of simple and non-distracting background colours.


What’s Included:
• 12 HDRI Lights

• 8 Dome Rotation Presets
• 4 Environment Intensity Presets
• 2 Darker Presets
• 2 Brighter Presets

The light spots on the HDRIs may be visible from some dome rotations using the given presets.



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