Steam… Smoke… Mist…Each of these connotes something hidden, dark or mysterious. Monsterslurk in the fog; vampires emerge from the misty night; demons leap outfrom the smoke of a magical fire. What’s a cauldron bubbling over a firewithout a strange vapor emanating from the liquid within? And wherethere is fire, there should also be smoke.Immerse your characters in a dense fog, or a steamy bath.Let your character’s breath create a mist in a wintery scene. Let thefire grow smokey. Change the prop ambient color to a yellowish orbrownish one for an effect to appear as a desert sandstorm. Or if a madscientist experiments in his laboratory, change the ambient colour of aSteamZ prop to poison green or bloody red and you a have fittingatmosphere for that scene! Let your imagination determine how theseprops should be used. Add mystery to your runtime, and explore themists. Go ahead. It’s only fog, right?