Amidst whispers that travel on the wind from distant lands, tales are woven of a paper palace that rises above the clouds, defying years and time. From this ethereal corner, ancient gods interlace the fates of mortals. Thus begins the legend of the sleeping flower, a princess born between ideas and feelings.
It is a pleasure to introduce Lotus Dream Attire, the perfect synthesis of hair, attire, and accessories, offering a complete solution to recreate characters from oriental royalty. Inspired by destiny, fortune, and hard work, we aimed to create a princess embodying the fruits of perseverance. We trust you will enjoy this creation in your renders, where magic and reality intertwine. Welcome to a Lotus Dream!
This Bundle includes:
Lotus Dream Attire for Genesis 9
Lotus Dream Hair for Genesis 9
Lotus Dream Attire Royalty Jewelry Set for Genesis 9