Anatomically Correct Evolution: TRINITY 8

Anatomically Correct Evolution: TRINITY 8

ACE: Trinity 8 is a brand new map based product that allows the Poser or DAZ Studio artist to create an accurate anatomically correct render of the nude adult female body for Victoria 4, Victoria 5 and Victoria 6. It is to be used by the artist to create a realistic representation of the female anatomy and add extra realism to a nude render in Poser or DAZ Studio.

This product uses the same technology as the Anatomically Correct Evolution system,
but it is stand-alone and does not require that product to work.

So why does the new version of Anatomically Correct use a map system?

– A much higher level of detail and realism is possible compared to using a morph or conforming figure
(check out the product images below to see for yourself)

– Guaranteed 100% perfect fit on any figure that uses the V4, V5 or V6 UV maps
(that means it’s 100% compatible with V4, Genesis, V5, Genesis 2 Female, V6 and any other future figure that uses one of those UV maps!!)

– Guaranteed 100% perfect fit with any body morph, either past, present or even future!!

– Guaranteed 100% perfect match with any skin texture
(explained in PDF tutorial)

Please note that the example images created using this product contain very realistic representations of the nude adult female anatomy

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