Benches Library-
– Bench 2: Another kneeling style bench with neck yoke/stock. Thish bench also has 4 posable mounting rings to hook into the provided smart prop cuffs for your characters. Most parts have size/shape adjustment morphs to get a good fit on you characters. This figure is also symmetrical mirroring for faster posing. Pose files are provided for V4 (G3F in DS version).
Crosses Library-
– Cross 2: This "X" cross is a stationary cross. The tops and bottoms of the beams have length adjustment morphs. Ankle and wrist cuff mounts are repositional. The cross is angle adjustable and floor post has height morph. This figure is also symmetrical mirroring for faster posing. Pose files are provided for V4 (G3F in DS version).
Frames Library-
– Frame 2: This frame can be used to suspend your character. It has built in chain mounts and chains. This figure has size/shape adjustment morphs for good fits to your character. This figure is also symmetrical mirroring for faster posing. Pose files are provided for V4 (G3F in DS version).
Saddles Library-
– Saddle 1: This is a simple saddle for your character to be perched on. It has a couple dildos with size/shape morphs you can use if you want. The seat has some indentation morphs to play with. There are arm and leg mounts to secure your character to the device. Most parts have size/shape adjustment morphs. This figure is also symmetrical mirroring for faster posing. Pose files are provided for V4 (G3F in DS version).
Stocks Library-
– Stock 2: Another elegant and classy stock-like device. Keep your characters head right where you want it. The stock is fully morph adjustable and has optional arm chain mounts and also has ankle cuff restraint bars. This figure is also symmetrical mirroring for faster posing. Pose files are provided for V4 (G3F in DS version).
Props Libraries:
Basic Scifi Cuffs Library:
V4, M4 (G3F and G3M in the DS version)
These libraries contain smart prop cuffs to use in conjunction with the Bondage Furnishings Packs and other various Davo products. These smart props willautomatically position and parent to your characters wrists, ankles and neck.
To apply the cuffs, click on your character in your preview window, then click to add each cuff, they will position automatically.
Pose Libraries:
Note: Poses will get your default v4 or genesis 3 female into position. If you have a heavily customized or morphed figure, you might have to do some adjustments. These poses will get you started.
Note: Some equipment and poses will require the Basic scifi Cuffs from the props library.
The pose libraries contain poses for V4 (and genesis 3 female in the DS version) and matching poses for some of the equipment in this package. Please note if the library has an informational image file in the library. All character poses require the character to be parented to a specific part on the restraining device so if you move the device to a new location, the charcter will pose in the correct location as well.