Darkseal’s Roxie PLUS

Darkseal’s Roxie PLUS

Do you need your Roxie sexified? Are you tired of playing with her anatomically correct dials for hours…only to find you can’t get the “anatomically correct” portion YOU WANT to work like it should? Want to open her holes so you can stuff your trouser snake in? Now YOU CAN!!!

Give Roxie the Lovin’ she deserves. She’s not fuglie, she’s was just lacking a cute face, an open anus, vaginal openings, huge mammoth tits, the ability to rub her clit… you know… all the important things. Worry no more, here they are!! Weight maps are great, but a wet hole for your meat pole is better!! Roxie is good, but this makes her GREAT!!

For Poser 10, 2014 and above were Roxie comes standard. PC, not tested on Mac. ALL morphs having to do with the vaginal area are intended to use WITH THE GENITALIA TURNED ON, k?!

UPDATE: cr2 with pmd now included for oddities that may occur when using later versions of poser

List Of Full Body Morphs, 43 in All!

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