– Base Pole: This is an upright pole with repositionable/symmetrical mirroring wrist chain, posable/repositionable long straight chain and repositionable sign. This pole is the base for add-on stands and wood bundles. There are (3) pre-parented poles with stands and wood bundles also included.
– Flame Maps 1-3: Simple double sided 3d faces with transmapped flame images. These can be inserted onto your wood, resized and re-scaled. You can also postwork your own flames and smoke in your own paint programs.
– Ground Planes 1-2: Two simple ground planes with wood chip texture and bump mapping. These can be used on top of a ground plane.
– Ladder Pole: Support pole for the Ladder
– Ladder Ropes 1-2: Two ropes that can be attached to the ladder/ladder posts. These ropes are for the upright and lowered position of the ladder.
– Ladder: Tall ladder with wrist and ankle rope connectors for your M4 or V4 character. Pose files are included for the ladder, M4 and V4.
– Stands 1-3: Three platforms that are attached to the Base Pole that you characters stand on. This allows a space beneath to stack your wood.
– Wood Bundles 1-5: Five different bundles of wood with morphs to adjust their size and shape. You can place several next to each other for a large wood pile.
– Torch: A simple wood torch with posable transmapped flame.
– Pre-Assembled Sets: There are (3) pre-assembled poles sets and (1) pre-assembled ladder set. Each set has a wood pile and ground plane already attached.
– Pose Files: There are (3) pose options for the Base Pole and matching poses for M4 and V4. There are pose files for the ladder set with matching poses for M4 and V4.
– Smart Prop wrist, ankle and neck cuffs for M3, M4, V3 and V4 are included.
– Smart Prop wrist and ankle rope cufflets are included for M4 and V4.
– Detailed readme file is included.