Poser 5+ compatible. -Utilizes bump and displacement maps -Firefly render engine recommended. -Should work in DazStudio with minor texture adjustments. -Not Tested in DazStudio. (1) Cave/cavern figure with movable front, back and side-ceiling walls. Cave has some morphs to create large and small pits. Cave has a water surface plane beneath the floor to be used in conjunction with pit morphs. Cave has bump and displacement maps for realism (2) Hanging Sacks with morphing holes and bending morphs (6) Egg pod / sacks with open and close morphs, some have bending morphs (1) Vore Pit with teeth and Open Close morphs (1) Slime Pit with opening and closing holes. (4) Slurm / worm creatures in Easypose and Standard bending versions. Material preset library with (25) seameless tiling textures with matching bump maps for the creatures. These textures come in a bump map version and a displacement map version. One click to apply, easy to manipulate Detailed readme file. This "Core Pack" is sold separately a from the TENTACLE PACK 1 and TENTACLE PACK 2.