Poser 5+ compatible. -Utilizes bump and displacement maps -Firefly render engine recommended. -Should work in DazStudio with minor texture adjustments. -Not Tested in DazStudio. (5) Unique tentacles with Easypose and Standard bending. There are 2 libraries for the tentacles, one that lets you bend from the tip to the tail, another than lets you bend from the tail to the tip. This allows you to choose the best posing method for your scene. These tentacles are styled after true tentacles and will work great for your Manga style renders too. Material preset library with (25) seameless tiling textures with matching bump maps for the creatures. These textures come in a bump map version and a displacement map version. One click to apply, easy to manipulate Detailed readme file. This "TENTACLE PACK 2" is sold separately a from the TENTACLE PACK 1 and "Core Pack". Get all 3 for a true tentacle mayhem environment.