DirtierEddy’s ExamTable Wicked Expansion

DirtierEddy’s ExamTable Wicked Expansion

This wicked ExamTable Expansion adds a deliciously deviant set of figures, props and poses for use with the Exam Table set. Included in the Expansion set: Bloody Exam Table MATpose– For those who want a bit more blood and gore for the sterile ExamTable. New Figures: PumpCannon: The “PumpCannon” is a fully jointed dildo-rammin’ machine, with posable legs, turning and tilting cannon, with several morphs for added fun, including full pumping action and dildo sizing morphs. HackSaw: “The HackSaw” shares the same posable platform as the PumpCannon, but weilds a spinning saw blade instead. The saw blade can be spun for added realism and gore. With a blood splattered texture/MAT pose included in the pose presets. WickedSucker: The “WickedSucker” is a nasty breast-sucking critter, complete with morphing injector/syringes for added pain. Custom breast morphs have been included to give V4 that special “sucked” look. GaggerTentacle: The “GaggerTentacle” add on is just the right tool for a V4 that doesn’t know when to close her mouth. The Gagger does just what it says, with posable face grabbing claws, and a morphing dildo-gagger, it will bring tears to her eyes. Smart Props The morphing “Sledgehammer” (hydraulic dildo ram) Hollographic Aiming Sight for HackSaw or PumpCannon Pose Presets: One pose preset for the GaggerTentacle for use with the ExamTable “FaceFirst” pose sets. Three “WickedSucker” poses each both breast, for use with the ExamTable’s base poses. V4 Breast INJ/REM poses for use with the “WickedSucker” A re-desgined Vaninal & Anal Morph INJ/REM pose, re-worked to work with the V4 Breast morphs. MAT pose for a bloody ExamTable MAT pose for a bloody saw blade on the “HackSaw” Base Pose for Daz Michael 4, for use with the PumpCannon and the HackSaw. All figures and props are UV mapped and with custom textures included.

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