DirtierEddy’s FearFactory Expansion1

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DirtierEddy’s FearFactory Expansion1

The Fear Factory Expansion #1 gives you a few more toys to play with inside the Fear Factory. There are 12 new figures, including several conforming items for V4, 11 new props (including six extra blade designs for the Pendulum), 10 pose sets containing: 29 Chain poses, 14 V4 poses, 16 poses for M4 and M4 genitals, 7 miscellaneous item poses, and a short Fear Factory Special animation set for V4 & M4. The FearFactory base set is required for this expansion to be used. New Additions: The Hanger- A suspension rig with 12 chain anchor points for either suspending from the roof, or positioned on the floor or wall. The Hanger has four sliding (jointed) cross beams for moving the four sections along the main rail. When used with the chains and included hooks, the Hanger can definitely inspire fear. If you like suspension or just plain pain. This figure and prop set is just for you. The Pendulum- This gastly device has three moving gears, and the jointed swinging pendulum arm. The movements are not morphs, but are built into the figures bones and can be controlled easily using the parameter dials. With five different smart prop blades to choose from, it’s just plain fun. Slave Collar conforming figure for V4- with four chain anchor points around the neck. With and without chains attached with DogStick control pole option. Chain Gurdle conforming figure for V4- With and without chains attached along with DogStick control poles on each side option. Windbreaker smart prop for V4- A scary metal collar with two morphing sqeeze plates to cut off any back talk quickly, or by slow suffocation. TitMashers-Same design as the Windbreaker but dropped down around each breast for a crushing experience. The Zapper- Detailed 12-volt car battery with attached fully posable jumper cables to give your victim the shock of their lives.

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