Dirtypots’ What a relief M4toV4

Dirtypots’ What a relief M4toV4

If your favorite character wants to pee, cannot wait any more, but the plumbing are not working, well, you have an alternate option. Just load the animation and enjoy.
You must have the Dirtypots’s I Want to pee product for the pee animation to work in the correct way.
There are three 965 frame animation files, one for Michael 4, one for his genitals and one for Victoria 4.2 default figures. The files include all the morphs needed both for facial expressions as well as for the piss prop. In this version M4 pisses on V4.
Main Camera of the animation is included with the product.
You get also a bonus python script to turn off the reflections of the room for faster animation rendering.
A picture is worth a thousand words so, have a look at the low resolution animation bellow the readme file to see what you get..
NOTE: You must have the Dirtypots’ I Want to pee product for the animation to work in the correct way.

Follow the 13 steps bellow and everything will work:
1. Load the iwanttopee.pz3 scene file. (You must have the Dirtypots’s I want to pee product).
2. Load your favorite M4 character.
3. Select the Michael character and TURN OFF inverse kinematics for both hands and feet.
4. Go to Figures Library, load M4 Genitalia and Conform to Michael.
5. IMPORTANT: Select the M4 Genitalia figure.
6. Go to Props library and from dirtypots:iwanttopee load the dirtypots_0malepiss.pp2.
7. From the Pose library go to dirtypots:iwanttopee and load the MikegenM4_to_V4.
8. Select the Michael character and from the same Pose library load MikeM4_to_V4.
9. Load your favorite V4 character.
10. Select the Victoria character and TURN OFF inverse kinematics for both hands and feet.
11. From the Pose library go to dirtypots:iwanttopee and load the VictoriaM4_to_V4.
12. Set the frame rate to 30 if it is not.
13. If you wish you can load the M4toV4piss Camera file from Cameras:dirtypots:iwanttopee

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