Figure Library Features:
Equip-Machines Library
– Dildo Station: This is a fully articulated dildo station for menacing or pleasuring your favorite characters as they move down the assembly line. Each armature has length morphs, the dildo heads have size/shape morphs and the housing/base have size adjustment morphs. There are a couple of hose receptacles on the underside of the housing that you can use to plug in other items that have easypose hoses such as the milking teats, dildo and inflatable dildo. Be creative with this station!
– Gagger Station: This is a very cool automatic ball or ring gagging machine. Your favorite character moves down the assembly line, this station lowers over their face and when it comes back up, there is a ball or ring gag on your character’s face. It has some size/shape morphs built in and is fully height/length adjustable. This is a must have for assembly line style renderings. This figure has no real mechanism to make it work, you simply lower it over a characters face and then you add a ball or ring gag (not included) to that character while the face is hidden. Then when you lift the gagger off the character’s face, the ring or ball gag is visible.
Holders Library
– Machine Base 1: This is a fully articulated base holder figure that you can attach many of the other Dreadworks 5 figures to such as all the Racks, Restraint Machine 2 and Tanks 2 and 4 plus the Pods in the Carousel pack. Each of those figures has a base connector that will fit into the "arm2" head of the Machine Base. The arms of the machine base have length morphs. There are positioning pose files provided for all the before mention equipment/figures in the pose library.
– Machine Base 2: This is another holder for many of the other figures in the Dreaworks 5 packages. This figure can be used as a stand alone base for the equipment to make it appear that equipment is fixed to the floor, like a table base. It has adjustable height levels to raise and lower your attached figures. You can attach many of the other Dreadworks 5 figures to such as all the Racks, Restraint Machine 2 and Tanks 2 and 4 plus the Pods in the Carousel pack. Each of those figures has a base connector that will fit into the "con5" head of the Machine Base. There are positioning pose files provided for all the before mention equipment/figures in the pose library.
Racks Library
– Rack 2: This rack is fully articulated and packed with size/shape morphs that will allow you to bend and twist your favorite characters in very compromising positions. Pose files are provided for V4 and G3F with matching poses for the rack in Poses library. There are also positioning pose files for the rack to be used with the carousel, conveyor clamps and machine base figures.
Restraint Machine Library
– Restraint Machine 3: This is a stylish and devious restraint machine that will put your favorite character into many compromising positions. It is fully articulated and posable and most elements of this figure have size/shape morphs for fine tuning. This figure is right/left side symmetrical mirroring for faster easier posing. Pose files are provided for V4 and G3F with matching poses for the restraint machine in Poses library.
Tanks Library
– Tank 3: This is a large vertical storage tank figure with adjust height fluid level, size/shape morphs, repositionable hose receptacles and repositionable light and fan. The fan is hidden in the top of the tank and can be moved into view if desired. The columns on this figure can be hidden from view if you don't want them, then also have size/shape morphs. You can accommodate a couple of characters in this tank. You can use the Cuff System 1 and 3 figures inside this tank to keep your favorite characters secured.
– Tank 4: This is a smaller vertical style storage tank with morphing fluid level and size/shape morphs. There is a hose receptacle inside the tank to connect the provided oxygen mask into. There are also positioning pose files for this tank to be used with the carousel, conveyor clamps and machine base figures. When you place your character in this tank, parent it to the "tank" body part then manually pose your figure as desired.
– Tank Oxygen Mask: This is a simple oxygen mask that fits your characters head. There is a positioning pose file for V4 and G3F in the pose library. The mask has an easypose dial that will control the full length of the hose. There are easypose master bending nodes every 20 segments of the hose. The first segment of the hose can be moved or rotated up and down and positioned on the mask stem for better fits inside different tanks. You can pose this hose into one of the receptacles inside the tanks figures.
V4_M4 G3F_G3M: These are for V4, M4, G3F and G3M figures.
These libraries contain smart prop cuffs to use in conjunction with the most of Davo's packages. These smart props will automatically position and parent to your characters. Link props can be used to provide a link for using the cuffs like hand cuffs with a link the middle.
Poses Libraries:
Note: Poses will get your default character "close" to positioning, you may have to make some minor adjustments if your character is heavily morphed or scaled. All poses parent the device to the V4 or G3F character. It may be advantageous in order to tilt the rack or other such device to reverse the parenting. Parent the V4 or G3F to the rack or other device.
Readme File: A more detailed readme file is included in the product zip file.