Fetroom 1 is a very stylish and gorgeously textured private room to let your favorite characters explore their fetish fantasies. This package comes complete with some stylish furnishings, display shelves, lighting, privacy screen, stall, stools, some playful restraints and a couple items that Forniphelia “human furniture” lovers can appreciate such as the TableTop and Head Lamp. Poses for the Genesis 3 Female and V4 are included in this Daz Studio 4.8+ version.
Vendor/Creator: Davo or Davorama
Daz Studio Optimization: Freeone
System Requirements:
– PC compatible
– Not tested in Mac
– Requires DazStudio 4.8+
– Poser 8+ Only version is available with V4 support (sold separately)
– All files in .duf, .dsf, .png and .jpg format.