Madlab 6 Core Package For DS 4.8+

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Madlab 6 Core Package For DS 4.8+

System Requirements:
– PC compatible
– Not tested in Mac
– Requires DazStudio 4.8+
– Basic G3F and V4 for Poses
– Poser 8+ Only version is available with V4/M4 support (sold separately)
– All files in .duf, .dsf, .png and .jpg format.
Figures Library Features:

Lab Room Library

– Lab Ceiling Lamp 1: This is a large, circular ceiling lamp that can be parented to the ceiling or a wall. It has a depth and overall size morph for adjustments. You could add the Ceiling Lamp 2 figure to the Ceiling 1 lamp for an interesting combination. The bulbs on this figure have ambient lit material properties that will glow in a dimly lit scene.

– Lab Ceiling Lamp 2: This is a posable and morph adjustable ceiling or wall lamp with adjustable armature. It has some size/shape morphs. Add as many of these lamps to your scene as you wish. The bulbs on this figure have ambient lit material properties that will glow in a dimply lit scene.

– Lab Floor-Ceiling: This is a figure with a large floor panel and ceiling panel. You can use this add any of the Lab Wall figures to. Position the Lab Wall figures as you want them, parent them to the floor and memorize all the elements. There is a length and width morph for the floor and ceiling parts.

– Lab Wall 1: This is a cool looking Wall segment with a reflective finish viewing window. You can place a room and figures behind the windows and adjust the windows transperancy as desired. The glass on the window is two sided and has a different material zone for each side. There are some ambient lit material elements on this figure that will glow in a dimly it scene. Arrange and place as many of these walls into a scene as you wish.

– Lab Wall 2: This is a wall segment with sliding door elements so you can enter and exit the room. There are some ambient lit material elements on this figure that will glow in a dimly it scene. Arrange and place as many of these walls into a scene as you wish.

– Lab Wall 3: This is a simple wall segment. There are some ambient lit material elements on this figure that will glow in a dimly it scene. Arrange and place as many of these walls into a scene as you wish.

– Lab Riser Tank: This is a raised platform with a floor and ceiling element. It has a sliding glass wall that can move up and down so the platform will appear to be a sealed tank. The glass wall segment has depth morphs on the top and bottom for positioning needs. You can move the glass wall out of view if you don’t want it in your scene.

– Table Lift: This is a cool lift figure that you can place your tables and equipment on and them lift them up off the floor for an elevated platform look and feel. There are size/shape morphs on the base and lift for sizing adjustments.