– Station 1: This is the masturbation station. It comes with a housing, repositionable hand grips, posable dial controls, a posable viewing monitor and two easypose dildos. The handles have length and with morphs plus can be tilted to fit your characters hands.
The monitor can be angle adjusted and turned around. The monitor's screen has ambient lit properties and will glow in a dimly lit scene. The post the housing sits on is height adjustable and has a length morph.
There are two dildos with a few shape and size morphs on each. The tubing for the dildos has easypose bending technology built in. There is a master bending node every ten segments. The tubing starts it's bending from the base of the dildo and works back toward the station. This allows you to easily position the dildo, then work the tubing back to connect to the station, it's easier this way, trust Davo on that.
– Collection Bottle: Suppose you want to save your load? This bottle attaches to one of the two ports on the back of the station so you can take a souvenir home with you. The bottle base has a length and shape morph, the fluid inside the bottle has a length and tilting morph so if you hold the bottle at an angle, the fluid will look like it's at an angle as well. The tubing on the bottle has easypose bending so it can be easily bent.
– Bottle Bottom and Bottle Top: These are two bottles that are smart props to the station and load parented apply with the station selected. The default station does not have the bottles attached.
– Screen: This is a plastic shower curtain style screen you can use for a little privacy. It has length and width morphs for the frame and for the curtain. The curtain material zone is sort of clear plastic, you can adjust in the material editor.