1. All figures load textured for 3Delight renders including pose loaded figures. To change the figure's texture for Iray renders navigate to the prop's directory and to the materials for Iray and select the corresponding preset.
The 3Delight material presets allow you to change back from Iray without having to delete and reload the figure.
2. All poses work as follows:
1. Load the desired V4 or G3F character do not load the Station 2.
2. Pose the character with the desired step 2 preset
3. Load the posed Station 2 to the character with the desired corresponding step 3 preset
Figure Library Features:
– Station 2: This is a cool new fuck machine masturbation station with some options. The dildo armatures pose from the dildos back toward the station. This is easier to position your dildos for poses. Each dildo has a couple bend morphs, diameter morph, length morph and ribbing morphs. The dildo arms/posts are morph length adjustable.
The armatures for holding onto the machine and resting your legs are posable and have length morphs. The seat can be micro adjusted and has a width morph. If you don't want the seat, you can access the dildo housing by moving the seat out of view or using the seat size morph. The seat also has a width morph.
The coin slot can be relocated or moved out of view.