Milk Maids 3 Core Pack For DazStudio 4.8

Milk Maids 3 Core Pack For DazStudio 4.8

Building Library-
– Bldg Pipes 1 and 2: These are extra add-on pipes that you can add to your scene for interest.

– Bldg pipes 3: This is a flexible pipe with easypose bending technology built in. There is non-rendering sphere which is the figure base that can be used to move the entire figure around. There is a top and bottom connector part that can move independently. The hose has easypose bending technology with a control node on every tenth segment. You can pose the hose, and then move the connectors to where they should connect to a wall or floor.
– Building: This is the main facility building for your milk maid scenes. All walls, ceiling, doors and
lamps are repositionable and can move out of the way for clear camera views. There are two built in pipes near the ceiling that can be moved out of view. All lamps can be moved around. The doors can slide on their track side to side. There is a shadow and non-shadow casting version to use depending on your light skills. The non-shadow casting version allows light to pass through the walls/ceiling, etc. without casting a shadow. This is good for users with little lighting skills.
– Rail divider: If you want to create stalls for your characters, the rail divider is a cool figure for that. There is a non-rendering sphere that you can use to move both sides of the stall around at the same time. Both sides have length and height morphs. This is a symmetrical mirroring figure.
– Sign 1: This is a simple sign with hidden armatures that can be used to make it look attached to other equipment or a wall. Or, you can just stick the sign on the wall. You can change the number on the sign by altering the texture template for the screen. The sign screen will glow in a dimly lit scene. Stick it anywhere you want.

Cattle Props Library-
– Cattle Tag: This is a tag that fits in the nose of your character. There are three sets of numbers that you can change with the pose files provided. There is a positioning pose for the tag. You MUST parent the tag to your characters "head" before applying the positioning pose. There is a pose library for changing the right, mid and left numbers with ease.
– Cow Bell: This is a posable cow bell for your character. Parent the bell to your characters "neck" then you can apply the positioning pose in the pose library.

Feeders Library-
– Feeder 1: This is a dispensing machine for a mush-like food. The hopper in the top has a food level. The food has some size/shape morphs. The hopper also has some size morphs. You can adjust the height of the feeder, you can adjust the angle of the spout. There is a posable handle. The base of the feeder has a morph to adjust the plug distance. The cord has a length morph. You can plug the Feeder Gag into the spout.
– Feeder 2: This is a simple hose/spigot style feeder. It has length morph and posable handle/spout. You can plug the Feeder Gag into the spout.
– Feeder Gag: This is a gag that slides into your characters mouth and is held in place with a strap system. There is a posable handle to turn the gag on and off. There are several morphs for sizing. The hose has easypose bending technology with a control node every 20 segments. You can pose the hose into another piece of equipment or the Feeder 1 and 2 figures. There is a positioning pose in the pose library along with a matching pose for G3F's face. You MUST parent the gag to your characters "head" before applying the pose.
– Feeding Bowl: This is a morph adjustable feed bowl for your character. Size morphs are built into the parts.
– Feeding Trough: This is a cattle style trough with a food level inside. There are several morphs for sizing on this figure. The food level has a few depression morphs to make it look like parts of the food have been eaten out.

Milkers Library-
– Hose Extension: This is an easypose hose that you can use if you need added length to your teats/teats connection figures. It has easypose bending technology built in. There is a bending control node every 20 segments.
– Teat Connection: This figure is good for connecting the teats hoses into then using the connections hose to connect to a pump. The ports on the connection can be angle adjusted, the buttons can rotate to a new position. A positioning pose is provided in the pose library. You MUST parent the connection to your characters "chest" before applying the pose. There are 3 positions for the connector: High, medium and low. These positions can be used in conjunction with several poses for the restraints and yokes.
– Teats: These are the milking 'teats' used to suck milk out of your characters breasts. There are some size/shape morphs for the teats. Inside each teat is a stem that can be lengthened onto your characters nipples. If you don't want them, make them invisible. There is a non-rendering sphere in between the teats that you can use to move the teats around together. There is an easypose hose on each teat with a master bending node every 15 segments. You can direct the hoses to pose into the teat connector or into a pump. The teats are symmetrical mirroring, however, easypose bending technology does not have symmetrical mirroring ability, and you will have to copy one side to another manually. As with the teat connection, there are three positioning poses in the pose library. You MUST parent the teats to your characters "chest" before applying the pose. There is a high, medium and low option for posing that should work for some of the poses of the restraints and yokes.

Pumps Library-
NOTE: There are no poses for the pumps, you must simply place your pumps and adjust the milking teat/connection hoses to fit into the pumps.
– Monitor: This is a multipurpose monitor that can be stuck on any piece of equipment or pump. You can alter the texture in a paint program. The base, armatures and screen have size morphs. The screen is ambient lit and will glow in a dimply lit scene.
– Pump 1: This is a pump machine with a built in bottle. There are 3 'conns' to plug your tubing from the teats into. They are repositionable. The baffles on the pump have morphs to make it appear there is some pumping action. There is a built in bottle with fluid level/tilt morphs. There are also a couple extra stand-alone bottles you can add. The straps can be adjusted for the bottles.
– Pump 1 bottles A and B: These are some smart prop extra bottles. Select the pump to apply the bottles parented to the Pump.
– Pump 2: This is a multipurpose pump. It can be used for cleaning/irrigation or vacuum pumping. There is a stimulation dildo with shape/size morphs and it has an easypose hose with master bending node every 20 segments. There is also an anal plug with size/shape morphs. The plug also has an easypose hose with master bending nodes every 20 segments. You can pose the hoses back into the pump connection ports. The control panel can be repositioned as well as the valve handle. There is a collection bottle and it has a fluid level with tilt/level morphs. The handles on the pump can be repositioned and have length/width morphs.
– Pump 3: this is an adjustable height pump with front and back hose connections. The hose connections have width/length morphs and can be repositioned as needed. There is a cross pipe hidden in the center of the pump if you want to have a pipe connecting side by side pumps. The milk collectors on top of the pump have stem and fluid depth morphs for front and back. Control panels can be repositioned as well.

Restraints Library-
(Note: Basic Iron Cuffs props may be needed in conjunction with some of poses for the restraints. Cuffs are provided in props library)
– Restraint 1: This restraint fixes your character in some compromising poses. It has length/width adjustment morphs on the base and connector pads. There are two chains and repositionable chain mounting bases. The conn pads have some position morphs as well. Poses for G3F are provided plus matching poses for the restraint. Parent your character to the restraint AFTER posing if you wish to move the restraint and character around together. This figure is symmetrical mirroring.
– Restraint 2: This is another multi-positional restraint device. It is height/width adjustable and has 4 posable chains with 4 posable chain mounts. There is the addition of a couple of repositionable and angle adjustable bars for more posing options. Poses for G3F are provided plus matching poses for the restraint. Parent your character to the restraint AFTER posing if you wish to move the restraint and character around together. This figure is symmetrical mirroring.

Tankers Library:
NOTE: There are no poses for the pumps, you can add them to your scene for milk storage. If you wish to use the milkers/teats with some of them, just pose the easypose tubing on the milkers into the ports on the tankers.
– Tanker 1: This is a large tank on an adjustable stem. It has an optional hose connection assembly so you can use it as a feeding tank or milk collection tank. There are also a couple of repositionable valves on it for looks. There is also a large hose connection piece if you want to pose the large hose from
the building library into it.
– Tanker 2: this is a very large milk storage tank. It is height adjustable and has a repositionable valve. There is also an optional top pipe to connect the tank to the ceiling as well as an optional side pipe to connect several Tanker 2 figures together.

Yokes Library-
(Note: Basic Iron Cuffs props may be needed in conjunction with some of poses for the restraints. Cuffs are provided in props library)
Yoke 1: Simple yoke with morph adjustable width/height frame. Good for holding your characters neck in a specific place if you want the characters arms and legs free. Poses for G3F are provided plus matching poses for the restraint. Parent your character to the restraint AFTER posing if you wish to move the restraint and character around together.
Yoke 1 Xtra: This is an add-on neck yoke only that you can add to the Yoke 1 figure if you want 2 characters (or more) side by side on the same frame.

Yoke 2: This is a very cool multi-functional yoke with the addition of arm, leg and hip/chest bars for your character to rest on. It also has 4 arm/leg cuff mounts. This figure is symmetrical mirroring. The bars all have width/length morphs for fine adjustments. Poses for G3F are provided plus matching poses for the restraint. Parent your character to the restraint AFTER posing if you wish to move the restraint and character around together.
Basic Iron Cuffs Library:

Genesis 3 male and female figures: These libraries contain smart prop cuffs to use in conjunction with the milk maids and other various Davo products. These smart props will automatically position and parent to your characters.
To apply the cuffs, click on your character in your preview window, then click to add each cuff, they will position automatically.
Pose Libraries:

Note: Poses will get your default genesis 3 female into position. If you have a heavily customized or morphed figure, you might have to do some adjustments. These poses will get you started.

Note: Some equipment and poses will require the Basic Iron Cuffs from the props library.

The milking Teats and teat connection hoses will have to be manually aimed into whatever pump/tank you wish to put them in. Poses for the restraints and yokes only.

The pose libraries contain poses genesis 3 female and matching poses for some of the equipment in this package. Please note if the library has an informational image file in the library. Some items, such as milking teats, teat connection, feeder gag, cattle tag and cowbell must be parented to your character BEFORE the pose can be applied so it will position properly.
Readme file: A more detailed readme file is provided in the product zip file.

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