Pumps Library-
NOTE: There are no poses for the pumps, you must simply place your pumps and adjust the milking teat/connection hoses to fit into the pumps.
– Pump 4: This is a height adjustable pump with adjustable fluid level and inner stem. There is a posable dial on the top and motor with control knobs. The pump has 3 connectors to plug hoses into.
– Pump 5: This is a wall mounted multi-purpose station with collection tank and hose attachments. There is a stimulation dildo attachment with shape/size morphs and it has an easypose hose with master bending node every 20 segments. There is also an anal plug with size/shape morphs. The plug also has an easypose hose with master bending nodes every 20 segments. You can pose the hoses back into the pump connection ports. The control panel can be repositioned as well. The collection tank has size morph and can be repositioned as needed.
Restraints Library-
(Note: Basic Iron Cuffs props may be needed in conjunction with some of poses for the restraints. Cuffs are provided in props library)
– Restraint 3: A restraint device with a unique look. It is width/height adjustable and has 4 cuff mounting hooks. Poses for G3F are provided plus matching poses for the restraint. Parent your character to the restraint AFTER posing if you wish to move the restraint and character around together. This figure is symmetrical mirroring.
– Restraint 4: A set of 4 cuff mount bars with adjustable height post and adjustable cuff hooks. Poses for G3F are provided plus matching poses for the restraint. Parent your character to the restraint AFTER posing if you wish to move the restraint and character around together. This figure is symmetrical mirroring
Tankers Library:
NOTE: There are no poses for the pumps, you can add them to your scene for milk storage. If you wish to use the milkers/teats with some of them, just pose the easypose tubing on the milkers into the ports on the tankers.
– Tanker 3: This is a set of several semi-large milk storage tanks with a control panel and milker ports. It is morph adjustable. Excellent for doing a mass amount of milking of one character.
Yokes Library-
(Note: Basic Iron Cuffs props may be needed in conjunction with some of poses for the restraints. Cuffs are provided in props library)
– Yoke 3: Another fixed neck yoke to hold your character. It also has an arm cuff mounting system for arm immobilization. The frame, yoke and arm restraints have length/width morphs. Poses for G3F are provided plus matching poses for the restraint. Parent your character to the restraint AFTER posing if you wish to move the restraint and character around together.
– Yoke 4: A unique yoking system. This yoke has an opening that your character can sit in, be bent over or just provide access to the rear. The posts/tubing is all length adjustable. There are leg and arm cuff restraint hooks as well. Poses for G3F are provided plus matching poses for the restraint. Parent your character to the restraint AFTER posing if you wish to move the restraint and character around together.
Basic Iron Cuffs Library:
V4M4: These are for V4, G3F and M4, G3M figures.
These libraries contain smart prop cuffs to use in conjunction with the milk maids and other various Davo products. These smart props will automatically position and parent to your characters.
To apply the cuffs, click on your character in your preview window, then click to add each cuff, they will position automatically.