Morphed Poses – Chapter 2: Play Time

Morphed Poses – Chapter 2: Play Time

Xameva and Meipe are proud to present “Morphed Poses – Chapter 2: Play Time”. If you enjoyed the first chapter, you’re going to love this one even more. M4 has joined in on the fun, and V4 is going to use her creamy soft breasts to pleasure him. No more teasing, it’s time to make good use of V4’s body.

This is a much larger package than Chapter 1, with poses for M4 that are also morphed, poses for M4’s genitals, and many special bonuses. M4 bends a lot better than V4, but we’ve still morphed him with more subtle fixes.

No longer do you have to worry about awful bends that take heavy post-work to fix. Poses that were once impossible and made V4’s body look terrible, are now possible. Ever see images in the galleries that have M4 squeezing V4’s breasts and wished you could do that? Without morphs, the hand just sort of sits there on top of the breast and doesn’t look very real. Our morphs change all that.

We’ve created these poses designed around larger breasts – a custom sculpted breast morph. More to squeeze and fuck. 🙂

I will let the promo images show you the rest of the details. This is a truly versatile product. You’ll wish all of your poses were morphed!

All of the contents of this product work in all Poser versions, and in DAZ Studio 3 and 4.

What’s Included:
10 Sets of poses for V4 and M4 (Including 3 variations of one of the poses)
1 Solo V4 pose
13 M4 genital poses
12 Partial poses
10 V4 nipple movement and shaping morphs
Shower prop with matching pose, bonus texture and light set
1 Hi-res image from Xameva

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