New Gens – Victoria 7

New Gens – Victoria 7


1. The script of new gens V7 has been comprehensively improved. The modified script will try to distinguish the type of a texture by its file name first. If it fails, the script will then use the property which the texture is affiliated with to try again. Hence users will no longer be bothered with the texture file name problem.

2. Users no longer have to install ‘Default Lights and Shaders for DAZ Studio 4.8+’.

3. Part of the texture templates have also been improved, by combining the modified script, they can help users obtain better rendering result.

4. Now each genesis 3 base character(Victoria 7, Eva 7, etc) has a set of correction morphs to fix the shape of her gens and the distortion caused by the thigh bending.

5. Added a new script – Remove NG From Current Character.dsa, it can help users remove new gens V7 from a character cleanly.

6. Each supported UV has a corresponding psd file for users to modify the color of labia(These psd files are stored in

***Installation instructions:

1. If you have already installed the old version of new gens V7, please delete the following folders from your DAZ Library folder:
data3feetwolfNew Genitalia For Victoria 7
PeopleGenesis 3 FemaleAnatomyNew Genitalia For Victoria 7

2. Re-download the installation package of new gens V7. Unzip the zip file to a temporarily folder. Copy the ‘data, People and Runtime’ folders in the unzipped folder and paste them into your DAZ Library folder.

3. The update for Bethany 7 and Karen 7 have also been updated. If you have purchased them, please re-download their package and install again.

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