Pony Stall

Pony Stall
This environment scene only for interior use, without exterior walls, can’t be rendered from outside.
the Inside parts like stalls and other parts can be deleted or change position. It’s saved as separated objects.

Load Scene file”PonyStall_TYPE1″ to load the scene.

Load Cameras to load camera presets with 4 cameras in scene.

Use 1 from 2 light presets and 2 render setting presets.

The render setting will load a environment map in “render settings — environment — environment map”.

the render setting will change ” Exposure Value” to 5-6, to make the scene lighter . This value can be changed in “render settings — Tone Mapping — Exposure Value”.

Change “render settings –Environment map — Draw Dome” if you want to reveal the Environment Map in the render.

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