Savage Beast – Anal Abuse Animation

Savage Beast – Anal Abuse Animation

I proudly present an animation that has M4 lustfully ramming himself into V4's forbidden hole. His hands wrapped around her fragile neck as he treats her like a ragdoll.

I've crafted this animation with close attention to all the small details. V4's expression shows her ecstasy, her breasts and ass jiggle from the power of the thrusts, and M4's ass even flexes as he drives every last inch inside her.

This animation is 77 frames long and loops continuously. Both Poser and DAZ aniBlock animations are included. It's great for creating animated .GIFs and small movie clips such as my trailer. This animation is slightly more expensive than the others because it took much longer to create due to the difficulty of keyframing M4's hands on V4's neck. The result was worth it though I think!

No lube necessary. >:)

Technical Notes:
Tested in Poser 7, Poser 8, DAZ Studio 3. (Optimized for import into DAZ.)
Animation was created using the default face/body of V4 and M4. Results may vary on custom characters.
Clothing, Hair, Textures, and Characters not included.
This animation was designed to have V4 leaning against an object (wall, furniture, etc.) This prop is not included.

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