Splash VOL 6 For G3 Female

Splash VOL 6 For G3 Female


– 9 Splash figures for G3F (.duf): 5 inner mouth / 3 inner vagina / 1 inner anus
– 9 geometries files (.dsf)
– 2 Custom morphs for G3F Genitalia: vagina open / anus open INJ/REM mats poses provided
– 1 INJ/REM mat pose G3F mouth open wide

All Splash works with G8F too.

1/ Load Genesis 3 and select it
2/ Go to People > Genesis 3 Female > SplashG3F > Inner Splash

note: For the genitalia splash, you need load the G3F Genitalia figure and select it before load the corresponding Splash. The splash was designed on the default G3F body.
For more splashing, experiment by loading more splash and of course by
adding the splash of the other volumes in the series.

You can also use the material in Volume 1 as well as playing with transparency settings.
Iray shaders only.

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