Splash VOL4 For G3 Female

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Splash VOL4 For G3 Female


– 20 Splash props for face and inner mouth for G3F (.duf)
– 20 geometries files (.dsf)

1/ Load Genesis 3 and select it
2/ Go to People > Genesis 3 Female > SplashG3F > External Splash
3/ Inject the mouth pose for G3F provided
4/ Load the splash at your choice by double-clicking on the thumbnail

note: The external splash is not a conforming figures, is smart props
parented to the thong or the head of G3F. Some positioning adjustments
may be necessary if the face contains a morph (eg V7).
The splash was designed on the default G3F face.

For more splashing, experiment by loading more splash and of course by
adding the splash of the other volumes in the series.

You can also use the material in Volume 1 as well as playing with transparency settings.
Iray shaders only.