– 1 SUPERdick figure for G3F (.duf)
– 1 abdomen hair figure for G3F (.duf)
– 1 testicles hair figure for SUPERdick (.duf)
– 3 geometries files (.dsf)
– 10 Textures Mats for Iray (.duf)
– 5 Textures Mats for 3Delight (.duf)
– 3 dicks poses (.duf)
1/ Load Genesis 3 and select it
2/ Go to People > Genesis 3 Female > Anatomy > SUPERdickG3F
3/ Load the dickG3F figure by double-clicking on the thumbnail
4/ If you want to add hair: Select Genesis 3 and double-click on Abdomen Hair figure.
For the testicles hair, select the dick figure and double-click on Testicles Hair figure.
About the textures:
10 textures for Iray and 5 textures for 3Delight are provided.
Choose textures that best suits your character. If necessary, you can refine by changing the color of the diffuse channel.
Dick Poses:
3 poses are provided + zero. Select the dick before applying the pose.
Dick morphs:
7 morphs are available in properties panel (Shaping > SUPERdickMorphs).