One of the most restrictive aspects of 3D terrains has been their confinement to up-down topography. This critical void in digital nature has been filled by Vue master Dax Pandhi. From over 7000 hours of trials in his laboratory, Dax has formulated the fractal modeling technique that produces HyperTerrains.
HyperTerrains allow you to break the typical topographical-only terrain model and create caves, coves, jutting rocks, strong vertical cliffs, and just about any natural rock formation. Not only that, you can stretch, invert, tip, turn and submerge them. And finally, you can of course combine them. This technique will dramatically expand the potential of your scenes.
And now, this trade secret can be yours! In “Mighty HyperTerrains,” Dax provides a general understanding and the detailed steps that will help give form to your imagination.
– Shatter the limitations of top-down only topography in 3D terrain design
– Model previously unimaginable rock formations right inside Vue
– Learn how to get started from the inventor himself
– Create alcoves, overhangs, boulders, arches, monuments and even fantastical terrains
– Learn to model breathtaking rock formations using Fractals
– Explore the power of Displacement
– Understand the importance of fractal and material scale in relation to Displacement
– Easily create infinite variations from a single rock formation
– Learn to use the new Bump and Displacement features in Vue 8
NOTE: This technique can be used in Vue 6, 7 and 8.
Remember – it?s not about learning features, it?s about learning proven techniques for practical and realistic results.