Photogrammetry : Creating Daz Studio Assets from Photos

Photogrammetry : Creating Daz Studio Assets from Photos

Photogrammetry is the method of making measurements from photographs where you can gain enough information to create a 3D object. With the right tools and workflow, you can create 3D models just from photographic references!

John Haverkamp leads you through a high value tutorial from taking good photos, to creating a mesh, editing in ZBrush and importing the model ready for use in Daz Studio.

In this case study he utilizes multiple photographs of a forest floor rock, complete with its detailed texturing. John turns this into a Daz Studio 3D asset, using Meshroom and ZBrush.

You’ll need for this tutorial:-
– Meshroom (free and open source software)
– ZBrush
– Daz Studio
– Substance Designer and Painter (optional)

Tutorial Content

Taking good photos ready for photogrammetry
Meshroom – setting up the output correctly for ZBrush
Importing to ZBrush – applying the texture
Cleaning the geometry
UV mapping
Exporting – color, normal and height
Importing and Setting maps in Daz Studio
Improving the texturing with Substance Designer and Substance Painter

About the presenter : John Haverkamp

John Haverkamp was born in Ohio and then moved to the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia at a young age. There he spent a semi-isolated childhood re-enacting the Lord of the Rings and being corrupted by Dungeons and Dragons. Always with the fondness for the fantastical and medieval, Art school drove him deeper into Luddite territory by granting him the skills of a traditional metal-smith. This meant post-college jobs making copper fountains, welding and steel fabricating, casting and finishing bronze sculptures, and working for an architectural blacksmith throughout his twenties.

Digitally, John got sucked into cyberspace and the arcane mysteries of 3D Studio Max. The perfect software match for John was Zbrush discovered six years ago. Now he teaches digital arts part time, and constantly endeavours to improve his craft as a digital-sculptor and visualizer through personal work, illustration and indie game projects.



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