Puzzle Set is a package of three type 3d files with UV mapping for both 63 and 35 elemeents pads
1. Cinema4D (*c4d) set of 63 or 35 elements with UV mapping. All elements saved as one file. Each element in file can be moved independently, but all elements have the same UV. It gives “one click” puzzle photo change.
2. OBJ set of 63 or 35 separate files with saved coordinates, after importing to one file (eg. DAZ) give one default puzzle pad/board. Correct importing options give single puzzle board with moving independently 63 or 35 elements. One UV mapping for all elements for “one klick” photo changing.
3. OBJ saved as one object (one puzzle board) most of elements still can be moved separately.
Attached with two textures 2048×2048 pixels saved as tiff with layers. Top layer for slots and background color of puzzle and bottom layer for front picture. Dimentions of front picture vary and can be easily changed by changing general UV picture dimentions. Please see promo image.