Raptor HD for Genesis 8.1 Male

Raptor HD for Genesis 8.1 Male

Raptor HD for Genesis 8.1 Male
Raptor HD for Genesis 8.1 Male combines an HD morph, custom teeth, and a geograft tail to turn Genesis 8.1 Male into a cinematic raptor.

The character loads with 3 fingers and 4 toes. Additional dials can be found in the hands and feet to restore a full hand and 5-toed foot. This is for those who wish to use their raptor in less than historical ways.

A butt restore morph is also included alongside a second poseable prop tail. This is meant to be used in conjunction with clothing.

Five texture sets are included, along with 3 eye materials and 2 teeth options (bloody and cleanish).

Get this raptor for your next prehistoric or sci-fi scene.



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