RayGun One By Vampiros Hermosos

RayGun One By Vampiros Hermosos

?People of Earth, people of Earth, I come in peace. On the other hand, if you do not turn over to me immediately the Earth woman known as ?Kim Novak,? I will be forced to oscillate your molecules, and I mean all your molecules, molecules you didn?t even know you had, with this sophisticated ?oscillation beam projector.?
I am speaking of the ?Kim Novak who appeared in the talking pictures ?Picnic? and ?The Man With The Golden Arm,? not the skinny one from Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. I will not be placated with a substitute!

Hear me Earth people. I hesitate to even make this dire threat, but ?Kim Novak? is just that important to me, uh, us. That is all.? – Kchtch, ruler of the Crab Nebula, aka ?Moises?, alien overmind.

Get RayGun One?, custom-crafted by Mertext from Vampiros Hermosos?, and be feared on this or any planet!



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